
20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Mount Everest

Facts about Mount Everest

Mount Everest, the iconic peak that soars majestically in the Himalayas, is not only a breathtaking sight but also a realm of mind-boggling facts.

As the highest mountain on Earth, Everest stands as a formidable challenge for climbers worldwide. With its extreme altitude, treacherous weather conditions, and awe-inspiring size, it has captured the imagination of adventurers and explorers for generations.

From the remarkable growth rate of the mountain to the limited number of successful summits each year, the facts surrounding Mount Everest showcase its unparalleled grandeur and the immense physical and mental fortitude required to conquer its summit.

In this article, we have covered 20 mind-blowing facts about Mount Everest.

20 Mind-Blowing Facts about Mount Everest

Fact #1. Mount Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, but not the tallest

Mount Everest is the highest mountain above sea level, but not the tallest. The peak of Mount Chimborazo in the Andes is 20 kilometers taller than Mount Everest, but it’s not on an island and therefore does not qualify as an “island” for this purpose.

Mount Chimborazo sits on a continental plate (the same thing that makes up most of Earth), meaning its base has no connection to any oceanic basin. In contrast, Mt Everest sits on an island within our planet’s oceanic basin: the Himalayan Mountain Range in northern India and Nepal.

Fact #2. It doesn’t take a long time to submit

You might think that reaching the summit of Mount Everest requires a long time, but it doesn’t. In fact, it can take between 11 and 39 days for almost all people to reach the top—depending on the weather, your route, and your fitness level. Most climbers spend about 10 to 14 days there at any given time.

On average (excluding those who die), most people reach Everest’s base camp at an elevation of 5,364 meters (17,598 feet). From there they climb upward through several camps along with their Sherpa guides until they reach 8/8 (8844 meters/29497 feet) where they descend back down again before heading back up into Nepal for another attempt at summiting.

Fact #3. Everest is a massive 8849 meters tall – just below the cruising height of a jumbo jet!

It’s a little bit higher than Mount Everest.

The title of the highest mountain in the world is a hotly contested one, but it’s generally agreed that Mount Everest is 8848 meters tall. This makes it about 22 meters taller than any other mountain on Earth and puts its summit just above the cruising height of a jumbo jet!

Fact #4. Mount Everest isn’t alone

The mountain is not alone in its lofty place. The Himalayas mountain range, which includes Mount Everest and other peaks above 8200m, stretches across parts of northern India, Nepal, Bhutan, and southern Tibet. The Himalayas is home to over 100 mountains that are over 8000 meters high—the highest point on Earth.

Fact #5. Everest is over 50-60 million years old

The Himalayas are a mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles. To get an idea of how old they are, you can think of them as a time capsule. If you look at Mount Everest, it’s part of the Himalayas and it has been around for over 50-60 million years!

It was formed by the collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, which pushed up the rocks that form the highest mountain on Earth. That force is still at work today, pushing Everest’s summit about a quarter of an inch higher each year.

Fact #6. Mount Everest grows approximately 4 millimeters every year

The exact growth rate of Mount Everest is a subject of scientific study and is influenced by various factors such as tectonic activity, erosion, and other geological processes.

The most recent estimate suggests that the growth rate of Mount Everest is around 4 millimeters per year.

This is due to the ongoing collision of the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, which is pushing the Himalayas up at a rate of about 5 millimeters (0.2 inches) per year.

However, the rate of growth can vary depending on the location in the Himalayas, and it is possible that Everest is growing slightly faster than this.

Fact #7. We are pronouncing Mount Everest incorrectly

The name “Mount Everest” is derived from the Welsh surname “Everest,” which is pronounced “Eve-rest” with an emphasis on the first syllable. However, most English speakers pronounce the name as “Ever-est” or “Evv-rest.”

The reason for this is that the Welsh pronunciation of “Everest” was not widely known outside of Wales until the 20th century. In the early days of mountaineering, most people who climbed Mount Everest were British, and they naturally pronounced the name the way they were used to hearing it. As the mountain became more popular, the British pronunciation of “Everest” became more widespread.

Today, there is no consensus on how to pronounce the name “Mount Everest” correctly. Some people argue that the Welsh pronunciation is the only correct way to say it, while others believe that the British pronunciation is equally valid. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how they want to pronounce the name.

Fact #8. Edmund Hillary might not have been the first person to summit Mount Everest

Image Credit: Wikimedia

Edmund Hillary, a New Zealand mountaineer, and Tenzing Norgay, a Nepalese Sherpa climber, are widely recognized as the first individuals to reach the summit of Mount Everest. They successfully reached the summit on May 29, 1953, as part of the British expedition led by John Hunt.

One such claim is that George Mallory and Andrew Irvine, both British climbers, may have reached the summit of Mount Everest before Hillary and Norgay. Mallory and Irvine made an attempt on Everest in 1924 but did not return, and their fate remained a mystery for many years. In 1999, Mallory’s body was discovered on the mountain, but it was not conclusive evidence of a successful summit.

There have been instances where individuals who are regarded as saints in certain religious traditions have attempted or successfully climbed Mount Everest well before Edmund Hillary.

Fact #9. It can cost between £25,000 to £70,000 to climb Mount Everest

The cost of climbing Mount Everest can vary significantly depending on various factors such as the route chosen, the level of support and services provided by the expedition company, equipment, permits, and other logistical considerations. While the specific costs can fluctuate over time, it is generally true that climbing Mount Everest is an expensive undertaking.

In recent years, the estimated cost of climbing Mount Everest has been reported to range between £25,000 to £70,000 or even higher. However, it’s important to note that these figures are rough estimates and can vary depending on multiple factors.

The cost typically covers expenses such as expedition fees, climbing permits, guide and Sherpa services, logistics, accommodation, food, equipment, oxygen supplies, medical support, and insurance. Additionally, climbers may also need to consider the costs of travel to and from Nepal, training, visa fees, and other miscellaneous expenses.

It’s worth emphasizing that climbing Mount Everest is not only financially demanding but also physically and mentally challenging. It requires proper training, experience, and a high level of fitness. Additionally, climbers should prioritize safety, and ethical considerations, and adhere to environmental guidelines while attempting to summit the mountain.

Fact #10. Kami Rita Sherpa holds the record for the most successful summits at 24

Image Credit: Wikimedia

Kami Rita Sherpa, a Nepalese mountaineer, holds the record for the most successful summits of Mount Everest. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Kami Rita Sherpa has reached the summit of Mount Everest 24 times.

Kami Rita Sherpa began his climbing career in 1994 and has since been a part of numerous Everest expeditions. He has consistently worked as a climbing guide and high-altitude Sherpa, supporting climbers from around the world in their attempts to reach the summit.

His achievement of 24 successful ascents demonstrates his immense experience, skill, and endurance in mountaineering. Kami Rita Sherpa’s accomplishments have made him a highly respected figure in the mountaineering community and among Sherpas who play a crucial role in supporting Everest expeditions.

Fact #11. It takes approximately 39-40 days to summit Everest

Mount Everest is a mountain in the Himalayas, with an elevation of 8,848 m (29,028 ft). It’s located on the border between Nepal and Tibet. The first successful summit was made by Sir Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay in 1953.

Mount Everest is one of the most famous mountains in the world because it has been climbed by almost every major mountaineering team since 1921. The mountain has been climbed by about 250 people who have reached its summit during their lifetime; however, only 15 people have reached it twice—this includes Reinhold Messner who became famous for reaching both peaks on separate trips using different routes but with similar objectives: to conquer Mount Everest itself!

Fact #12. The fastest Everest summit was recorded in just 8 hours and 10 minutes

The fastest recorded ascent of Mount Everest is held by Pemba Dorje Sherpa. On May 21, 2004, Pemba Dorje Sherpa reached the summit of Mount Everest in a remarkable time of 8 hours and 10 minutes from the base camp to the summit.

Pemba Dorje Sherpa’s record-breaking speed ascent was achieved as part of an expedition organized by the Eco-Everest Expedition team. He surpassed the previous record set by Lakpa Gelu Sherpa in 2003, who completed the climb in 10 hours and 56 minutes.

Fact #13. There’s a reason why climbers use bottled oxygen

The air on Mount Everest is too thin to breathe. It’s also cold and dry, so even though you’re surrounded by oxygen-rich air at base camp, it’s still not enough to sustain life.

This is why each climber needs bottled oxygen with them while they climb the mountain: they need as much help as possible to make it through this harsh environment.

The same thing goes for bacteria: there are so many of them in the polluted environment that climbers must use masks or filters to protect themselves from harmful airborne particles before climbing any further up Mount Everest (or any other mountains).

Fact #14. Mount Everest has hosted over 5,000 climbers, but only 200 to 300 people make it to the top each year

While Mount Everest has hosted over 5,000 climbers, only 200 to 300 people make it to the top each year. This number is a fraction of those who attempt the climb and many are not professional climbers. There are several reasons why people don’t make it:

Weather conditions such as wind or snow can be dangerous. The mountain can become icy in winter and temperatures may drop below zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit).

Poor preparation for climbing can also be a problem for some climbers. They may not have enough food or water on their way up so they need extra supplies before starting their journey up Mount Everest

Fact #15. You can’t just climb Mount Everest for fun

You can’t just climb Mount Everest for fun. There are many factors that you need to consider before attempting to climb the mountain, including your fitness level, experience, and financial resources.

Here are some of the reasons why you can’t just climb Mount Everest for fun:

  • It’s very dangerous. The mountain is very high and there is a risk of altitude sickness, avalanches, and other hazards.
  • It’s very expensive. The cost of climbing Mount Everest can range from $35,000 to $100,000 or more. This includes the cost of permits, equipment, transportation, and guide services.
  • It’s very challenging. The climb to the summit of Mount Everest is a long and difficult journey. It takes most climbers about two months to complete the climb. The climb is also physically and mentally demanding.

Fact #16. The mountain is littered with bodies

The Mount Everest is littered with bodies. There are an estimated 200 to 300 bodies on the mountain, and some of them have been there for decades.

There are a few reasons why bodies are not removed from Mount Everest. First, it is very dangerous to try to retrieve a body from the mountain. The conditions are harsh, and there is a risk of avalanches and other hazards. Second, it is very expensive to remove a body from the mountain. The cost of a helicopter rescue can be tens of thousands of dollars, and there is no guarantee that the body will be recovered.

Image Credit: Wikimedia

As a result, most bodies on Mount Everest are left where they fall. They become landmarks on the mountain, and some of them have even been given nicknames. For example, the body of a climber named Tsewang Paljor is known as “Green Boots,” because he was wearing green Koflach mountaineering boots when he died.

The presence of bodies on Mount Everest is a reminder of the dangers of climbing the mountain. It is also a reminder of the human cost of achieving the summit.

Fact #17. Clean-up efforts are underway, but it’s a slow process

As you may know, Mount Everest is a popular tourist destination and a major symbol of China. The mountain has been visited by more than 2 million people in its lifetime, but this influx of tourists has led to littering on the mountain’s slopes.

The Nepalese government is working with other countries and organizations to help clean up Everest as quickly as possible—but it’s still very slow going at this point.

Fact #18. Some people have tried extreme methods of ascending Mount Everest

Most people have used oxygen masks to climb Mount Everest. The altitude, weather conditions, and snowstorms can make it difficult to breathe at high altitudes.

Other people have tried climbing without ropes or oxygen tanks. This is a very dangerous method that can lead to death if not executed properly. However, there are some who do it successfully!

Fact #19. Sherpas have been key to mountaineering success and safety on the mountain

Sherpas have been key to mountaineering success and safety on the mountain.

The Sherpa people are now an integral part of Everest climbing, with more than 150 of them working as guides on expeditions every year.

They’re known for their intimate knowledge of the region, which helps climbers reach the top of Everest safely by providing them with information about weather patterns and other hazards along their way up.

Sherpas are also responsible for helping climbers get back down from Evester if something goes wrong during their ascent—or even if they don’t feel like going back down themselves!

Fact #20. Nepal, China, and India all have claims to Mount Everest

The summit of Mount Everest is located on the border between Nepal and China. India also claims a small portion of the mountain.

Here is a more detailed explanation of the claims of each country:

Nepal: Nepal claims the entire mountain, including the summit. This claim is based on the 1961 border agreement between Nepal and China, which designated the summit of Mount Everest as the border point.

China: China claims the southern slope of Mount Everest, including the summit. This claim is based on the fact that the Chinese government has controlled the southern slope of the mountain since the 1950s.

India: India claims a small portion of the mountain that is located in the Indian state of Sikkim. This claim is based on the fact that Sikkim was a British protectorate until 1975, and the British government claimed the entire mountain.

The dispute over Mount Everest is a complex one, and it is unlikely to be resolved anytime soon. However, both Nepal and China allow climbers to ascend the mountain from their respective sides.

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In conclusion, Mount Everest stands as a testament to the awe-inspiring wonders of our world.

With its towering height, extreme weather conditions, and challenging terrain, it is a place that captivates the human imagination.

From the remarkable feats of climbers who have scaled its summit to the environmental concerns and the indomitable spirit it embodies, Mount Everest is a symbol of both beauty and danger. It serves as a constant reminder of the boundless possibilities and incredible achievements that can be realized when humans push the limits of their capabilities.

Though it’s been climbed by so many people, Mount Everest is still a mystery to us. It has not been fully explored and we don’t know what’s on the other side of its summit. The mountain itself is massive and difficult to study because it’s so high up in the atmosphere.

Mount Everest truly represents the triumph of human determination and the relentless pursuit of conquering nature’s greatest challenges.

We hope you would have enjoyed reading these mind-blowing facts about Mount Everest.

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